Never Been Kissed: Best Movie Kiss Ever

On Tuesday night, I was exhausted. So, I browsed my Hulu account for a movie I hadn’t seen. I found a Hallmark movie. It was cute enough.

But. There. Was. No. Kiss. At. The. End.

You just don’t do that to a girl! I mean, c’mon!! It was Snow White and the Huntsman all over again!

That got me thinking…I definitely need a kiss to make a romantic movie worth watching. Almost any movie, really. But I digress.

So, then I started thinking about my favorite movie kisses: North and South is pretty delicious, as is the one at the end of You’ve Got Mail. But I’d have to say my favorite is the kiss at the end of Never Been Kissed.

There’s just something about the way the guy walks into the kiss. *love it!*

So…what’s your favorite movie kiss?