You know what I appreciate about the Bible?

It’s honest.

Especially the Psalms.

Think about it. David and others wrote so many Psalms that cry out to God. They don’t have answers…mostly just questions.

Questions like

  • How can you let this happen, God?
  • Why am I suffering unjustly?
  • What do I have to do to return to your good graces?
  • Will things ever be okay again?
  • How can I trust?

The Psalms also express sorrow, heartache. The awesome thing about God is that we can bring our feelings to Him — and He listens. He cares.

The song “Worn” by Tenth Avenue North (listen below!) is an awesome reminder of that to me. Because it’s not a song about answers. It’s a song about plain old honesty and telling God, “I don’t know how to keep going on. I’m worn out. I need to see some sort of evidence here that it’ll all be okay. I need to know you’re going to fix this–maybe not in the way I want you to, but in the way that’s best.”

Simply put, it’s a cry from our spirits that tells God we need Him.

Your Turn: What’s your favorite Psalm and why?