I’ve never been a big steak girl.
I mean, I’ll eat it. But it’s never been a huge favorite of mine.
But this weekend, we went out to celebrate my stepmother’s birthday at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse. I chose the petite filet because I couldn’t imagine eating a larger portion. After all, most steak I’d had in the past was slightly tough, dry, and had to be doused with Heinz 57 sauce.
So imagine my surprise when I cut into my filet, stuck it in my mouth — and about died. Heaven. On. Earth. Joy in my mouth. Oh my goodness. So much flavor. And the waiter had said they only seasoned with salt and pepper, and then butter after it was seared.
I started wondering why it was so good. Obviously, this was the steakhouse’s specialty. Obviously, we spent a lot of money for this steak. But what made it so darn delicious?
I asked my dad why this steak was so different from the steak I grew up eating, and he said the steak we ate back then was likely inexpensive. In other words, not the best cut.
Ah. I never really knew that the cut of meat mattered.
And here I’d been living my whole life THINKING that the steak I was used to was how steak was supposed to be.
Same thing goes for life…the life we are living and the life God wants us to have.
Life as we live it — especially when it’s downright rotten, and sad, and overwhelmingly dim — is not how we were meant to live life. We’re often living it full of worry and heartache of our own making.
But God doesn’t want us to live like that.
Instead, He wants us to depend on him, to let ourselves marinate in His goodness, to let the juices of who He is be seared into us, and sealed in us.
Furthermore, He doesn’t want us living off the fatty cheap meat.
No, He wants to give us the choicest cut.
Don’t just accept that “it is what it is” — live life instead according to the way God wants us to live it. For me, that means living according to this verse: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in EVERYTHING, by prayer and petition, let your requests be made known to God. And the PEACE of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)
Your Turn: What does living with the choicest cut of life mean to you? And any steak lovers out there?
*Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net
This is such a cool post, Linz. I actually used to not like meat much at all. But then about 10 years ago (I'm not even joking, I remember the day–mostly 'cause I was in Spain) I had the best pork chop of my life and it opened my eyes to the wonders of meat. Haha! Now I love a good steak. 🙂
But I especially love how you tied this back to God and what he has for us…like you said, the choicest cut. Love the connection!
A good cut of meat can change our lives forever, no? 😉
Lindsay, I am a MEAT LOVER. I can't imagine being a vegetarian. 🙂 We rarely had steak when I was growing up because we couldn't afford it. But, I do remember the toughness you described. I also love how you turned this toward how we sometimes expect life to be rather than anticipating how God intended our lives to be. I have been thinking on this lately. I'm so glad you shared about it. Your encouragement to live this life how God intended it to be lived–I'm taking it to heart. And the verse you shared–one of my faves.
For me, I'm learning to keep my hope in God, not in anyone or anything else. Rom 15:13–May the God of hope fill you with all joy in believing that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Working on living this out.
Thanks for sharing your heart today!
I love meat too!! But even more, I love the verse you gave. Hope and joy…such amazing gifts he gives us.
Okay, being a Texas girl, I could hardly get past your first sentence. Not a steak girl? But after reading on, it's understandable. Cut does matter! I just love the analogy you draw between the best cut and "let ourselves marinate in His goodness." Tenderized and marinated by God makes His work in and through us palatable to a world who might have been only exposed to less expensive cuts. LOVE!
Hehe, I was actually born in Texas, Donna, so you'd think I'd love steak. But yep, I think I might become a steak girl…steak of the expensive variety, anyway. 😉
What a great analogy, Lindsay. I've never been a big fan of steak (apologies to Donna =), but I choose to fix filet mignon for Gwynly this past Valentine's Day. It turned out so much better than I expected. Like you, I was used to lesser cuts of meat.
Sometimes I expect things to go badly for me, but the opposite happens. While I might feel I'm only worthy of a cheap steak, the Lord desires to give me good things, and sometimes that includes filet mignon-style blessings.
Filet mignon is yummy!! I'm impressed you cooked it. I've never tried…Mike is the griller in our family. Did you grill it or bake it somehow?
My hubby knows how to pick out a choice cut of meat. And my culinary student son knows how to create a melt-in-your-mouth steak. I love a good steak. In fact, that's what we're planning to have for my birthday on Sunday. 😀
Love this post and how God's promises and blessings are always the choicest cuts. You have such a lovely way of looking at life.
Oh, thank you so much, Lisa! 🙂 And PS, I'm jealous…sounds like you get to eat like a queen when your son is home!
I grew up with hockey pucks for steaks! My mom was not the world's best cook and she used to buy the worst cut and cook those babies until there was nothing left in them. Imagine my surprise when I married into my husband's family and my father-in-law is an expert griller! I never imagined steak to taste so flavorful and succulent! I love the analogy you've given today – so many of us settle for "normal" when "normal" is often second, third or fourth best. When we've tasted the "real" life only Christ has to offer, that's when we realize the other life we've lived is a far cry from the good life.
Girl, nothing beats a Ruth Chris steak, except maybe my husband's. Seriously. It's that good. I love the life lesson God gave you. He can even use steak. Awesomeness!
I love the when you said seared and sealed. When we remember that, life is more peaceful. Thank you for the reminder — I'm sealed with the acceptance of Christ!