When I dream, I dream big.

Then, I make plans to achieve those dreams.

Then, when those plans don’t work, I re-evaluate and make new plans–though often reluctantly.

I may question the plans I made, but rarely do I question the actual dream. Somehow, questioning the dream feels wrong, as if I’m growing weak and backing off. I guess I figure that if I question it, then maybe I’m not strong enough to ever get there.

But that’s simply not true. Sometimes, we need to question the dream in order to reaffirm our commitment to it.

Those of you who have read my blog for any length of time know I want to someday be a published author. Last week, I attended the My Book Therapy Deep Thinkers retreat. It was an intense five days of learning about the writing craft.

So good and yet–overwhelming.

Because I found out just how much I have to learn. Actually, I probably only scratched the surface of it.

And I’ve gotta be honest. The thought discouraged me. Made me question whether this is really what I should be doing.

The doubt immediately made me feel like maybe I wasn’t a “real writer.” I mean, “real writers” stick with it no matter what, right? And they never feel like it’s not what they should do. In fact, “real writers” just HAVE to write, even if they knew they’d never be published, yeah?

Maybe some writers never doubt their calling or their dream, but this one does. And I fully believe that’s okay.

I think that sometimes, God allows these doubts to attack us because it’s only through fighting against them that we reaffirm the surety of our dream. In other words, He gives us chances to walk away from the dream.

Questioning why we stick with it despite all the rejection and feelings of failure reminds us of why we do what we do, why we’re pursuing the dream we’re pursuing.

And that makes our resolve all the stronger.

So today, I’m thankful for those moments of doubting, because they’ve brought me full circle to realize this: I AM a writer, and this dream IS achievable if God wants it for my life.

Your Turn: Fill in the blank: I am a __________, and my dream IS _____________.

*Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net