Peace like a river

Have you ever squandered a gift?

Maybe you have and don’t realize it.

Let’s think about it another way. Has anyone you known ever squandered a gift you gave to her?

Worst thing they could do, right? I mean, you spent time and energy picking out the perfect gift. Not to mention good, hard-earned money. 

Personally, it’d make me angry. And sad. Annoyed that this person cared nothing for my efforts.

I read this in the devotional Jesus Calling last week, and it’s stuck with me ever since:

“My peace is the treasure of treasures: the pearl of great price. It is an exquisitely costly gift, both for the Giver and the receiver. I purchased this Peace for you with My blood. You receive this gift by trusting me in the midst of life’s storms.” (January 24)    

Dang it. Guilty. As. Charged.

I’m the gift squanderer of gift squanderers. 

‘Cuz I worry. A lot. And worrying means I’m not trusting God. And if I’m not trusting God, I am casting away the pearl of great price He gave to me. He died so I wouldn’t have to worry about my future. And yet I do that very thing on a regular basis.

That I would stop, and consider, and treasure His gift instead.

Your Turn: How do you stop yourself from squandering His gift?  

*Photo courtesy of