My husband first introduced me to “Beautiful Things” by Gungor.


I love what the chorus says in particular. It’s so simple, yet profound:

You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things
Out of dust
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things
Out of us

We were dust. He made us. But He didn’t JUST make us.

He made us beautiful.

We are His handiwork, creations of art formed by the hand of the Creator.

Doesn’t that give you all kinds of chills?

For me, it’s a call to remember…He made me just as I am, even the parts of me I don’t care for (well, minus the ugly sin stuff). When I compare my outer self to other people, I’m basically dissing my Maker, telling Him His design wasn’t good enough for me.

Ah, how our perception is so limited and shaped by other humans.

He made you. You are beautiful.

Revel in that for just a moment…

Your Turn: What song is speaking to you this week?