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Sometimes, I feel like this guy. |
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid…for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.”
That’s what God tells us in Deuteronomy 31:6.
Chills, right?
Because I don’t know about you, but I’m running scared a lot of the time.
Like today.
Today, I start a new job. Yeah. Shaking in my boots a little bit. I mean, yes, I have great hopes for this job. I get to telecommute some of the time. I get to do something different–be a copywriter. I get to meet new people.
But that scares me. Because what if I’m horrible?
What if no one likes me?
What if…what if…what if?
And this year, I’m hoping to submit my story to agents, possibly editors. Right now, I’m revising my book and hoping, praying that somehow, it’ll be “good enough.” But if I put it out there, that will either be confirmed or denied.
Sometimes, in my fear, I wonder if it’d be better to hold onto it, because then I don’t risk anything. No rejection. No failure.
Ever feel that way? I’m pretty sure I’m not alone. Sometimes, it SEEMS easier to become complacent. To stay where we are because, well, we at least know more about our current situation. We’ve figured out ways to cope with it.
And what if the future and the new situation actually hold something WORSE than the things that have seemed bad in the here and now?
But again…God tells us…don’t be afraid.
He goes with us.
He won’t leave us.
Yeah, sure, sometimes, He only lights enough of the path ahead for us to see the next step. It scares me to not see farther down the road. I wonder how long it is, and where the potholes are, and whether I’ll walk in circles or actually get somewhere.
But the whole reason isn’t because I lack courage.
He gives me that.
It’s because I haven’t surrendered control. I haven’t trusted enough. I know He’s set me on the BEST path. But I tremble sometimes to take a step.
Today, in faith, I’m taking that next one. And then tomorrow, I’ll take another.
Because as scary as it is to walk in the dark, feeling blind, I know deep down I’m not.
Funny enough, I’m actually walking toward the light.
Your Turn: When had God reminded you to not be afraid?
I usually get a nudge once a day. I'll get a streak of fear over something…but God is always there reminding me – not to be afraid – in His own awesome way.
You'll do great at your new job, Lindsay. Best wishes!!
I love those reminders, don't you? They always seem to come at just the right time!
I'm with Loree. At least once a day! And I was just singing King of the Forest yesterday, actually I was singing it like the lion but singing King of the Forest and my husband came in and said, "George is the King of the Jungle, you mean forest." So I switched my cowardly voice/vibrato to Forest from jungle after smarting him off! I say that all that because yesterday I was having a little twinge of fear and that song broke into my head. God is amazing at calming all my fears–when I let Him.
As I've already told you, the idea of you singing that song cracks me up!! Such joy you give me!
You will be AWESOME at your new job. Praying for you today, friend!
I love how many times the Bible says "Do not be afraid" or "Fear not." Over and over and over…It's funny because phrases like that make it seem like fear is an on-off switch kind of thing–easily turned off. Which certainly isn't always the case. But then, just like an on-off switch uses electricity, we've sorta got our own kind of electricity–a Holy Spirit whose entire job is to live in us, guide us, breathe courage and confidence into us. And I love that.
It DOES say it a lot, huh? Thanks for the support and encouragement!
You know, there are people in your new office sitting there thinking,"I hope the new girl likes me, I hope she doesn't think I'm an idiot. I know she'll be smarter than me. I bet she'll ignore me and go hang out with the cool people."
I was a really nervous this past July, I was at the CHIEF Center in Phoenix, waiting to meet this writer friend and I was all 'first date' and sweating. I kept thinking, what if she doesn't like me? What if she looks at me and thinks "drop a few", what if , what if…
What if you just go to work and say "hi, I'm Lindsay."?
Last week, or the week before, when I realized I had to overhaul the ENTIRE MS, I quaked a little, then I smiled. Change breaks what we know into smaller pieces and fills in the gaps with new experiences. I'm scared of the re-write, but God didn't give me a spirit of fear. He gave me, and you, the brains to handle what He gives us. That doesn't mean I wasn't stressed, it just means I was aiming my energy in the wrong direction.
I'll be praying for you today.
Well, I was thinking the same thing…afraid you'd think I was too young and silly to be a real writer. 🙂
Lindsay, I'm praying for your new job!! I know you'll love it – and more than that, they'll love you. This is one of those times that you'll look back and see that God had something awesome and incredible in store for you, and it all started when you took this step of faith.
God reminds me all the time, sometimes hourly, that I have nothing to fear and He's given me everything I need for life.
I love the Lion on Wizard of Oz. The second I saw his picture I could hear him saying: "Courage!" Good luck on your first day. 🙂
I love the conversations we've had about fear and how it's Satan's main way to try to get a foothold in our lives. You inspire me, friend!
Getting the sock from under the basement steps. 😉
Actually, attending a new church if you can believe it.
Go get 'em tiger!
~ Wendy
Going into any new situation is always so tough. I'm sure you survived with grace and dignity, though.
Lindsay, you may not think you're brave, but you are. An aspiring writer, wife, employee, and so much more. What I love most about you? How you live your life trusting God to lead the way. Hugs on your first day!
Oh Donna, I'm not always as trusting as I should be. I want to be better.
Lindsay, I love this post! When I get a case of the "What If's" (and I'm not talking the writing kind), I have to remind myself of Philippians 4:8–It tells us all sorts of things we should think on, but the very first one is: "Think on what is true….." What if's aren't true. God has opened this door for you to walk into this job because He has a good plan for you there. He has a purpose for you there, and He will accomplish through you as you trust in Him. I'm so excited for you, and I'm praying for you. 🙂
For me, I was just convicted in my own "What if" thinking regarding my strong willed kiddo. I'm going through the wringer with this one right now, and the kid's only 8. Oy! But, I'm reminded to pray and that God holds him in the palm of His hand. I need to trust Him and beg Him for wisdom as we raise this amazing, challenging, "what if" provoking child.
I can't wait to hear about your first day.
I love that…"What if's aren't true."
Thanks for being such a good friend, Jeanne!
Is it rude to say I'm glad I'm not the only person who feels like this sometimes? (I hope not. Like misery, I think scared girls like company.) I have been anxious about my job lately. This morning God reminded me of 1 John 4:18 (TLB) “We need have no fear of someone who loves us perfectly; His perfect love for us eliminates all dread of what He might do to us. If we are afraid, it is for fear of what He might do to us, and shows that we are not fully convinced that He really loves us.” I've pretty much been praying and reminding myself what's true all day. Thank you for sharing, Lindsay.
It's not rude at all, Abby! It's totally understandable is what it is. 🙂 I'm sorry you've been anxious, but that verse says it all, doesn't it? Thanks so much for your comment!
Thank you all! My first day went well. Woo hoo! Seems I had nothing to fear. 🙂