My awesome friend Amanda Dykes tagged me in a blog hop where writers talk about their current projects.

So I thought it’d be fun today to tell you a little about the book I’m currently writing. I won’t give away too many details, though…you know, in case it ever actually gets published (still got my fingers crossed and prayers lifted on that!).

So, without further ado, here are the questions Amanda passed on for me to answer…

1) What is the title of your book? The title is The Song Inside, though I don’t actually have much attachment to it (I’m horrible at titles!!). The book is about a singing competition, but the title is more about how there is a song inside each one of us, a deep yearning for something…more. What does your song say about you? (Mysterious, right? Ha.)

2) Where did the idea for the book come from? I actually don’t remember, but I do remember waking up at 3 am one morning and grabbing a notebook as the ideas flowed. So maybe I dreamed it?

3) What genre does your book fall under? Inspirational contemporary with romantic elements (yes, there’s a love story!)

4) Which actresses would play your main characters in a movie based on your book? 
For Stacy (the daughter), I’d have a blond Rachel McAdams:

And for the mom, Marcy, I’d have a demure Demi Moore (ha):

5) How long did it take to write the manuscript draft? I wrote the majority of it in about three months, though it took much longer to plot and structure it.

6) Who or what inspired you to write this book? It’s my hope that it’s always God who inspires me to write. I want my work to be something that gets people thinking about more than just the “here and now.” Stacy and Marcy learn some important lessons about who they are in God…lessons that I’ve had to learn (and keep learning) myself.

Thanks for reading a bit about my work in progress. Hopefully someday it’ll be in print, but for now, I appreciate you letting me share a bit of my heart with you.

And with that, I’m tagging each one of you writers reading this in this blog hop! Feel free to participate if you’d like.

Your Turn: What books have you been reading recently? If you’re a writer, how long did it take you to write your draft of your current book (or a previous one)?