For Christmas this year, I got an abundance of gifts. Way more than I deserved.
And there are a few my husband got me that I am especially excited about.
Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts. I’ve heard this book is amazing and totally changes the way you think about life. I can’t wait to dig in and…well, learn.
The fifth and final season of the TV show Chuck. And okay, technically, I already enjoyed this one. My husband and I sat down the day after Christmas and watched almost all 13 episodes. Yes, it was that good.
And last…
The entire series (all seven seasons) of Boy Meets World. This is like one of my favorite shows from childhood. I may get all nostalgic when I watch them.
I got a lot of other sweet gifts, like gift cards to Amazon and Old Navy, a new watch from Charming Charlie, an infinity scarf from Germany…and I’m excited about those too.
Yeah, like I said. Blessed. Blessed not only by the gifts themselves, but to be loved by so many amazing people who gave them.
Your Turn: What was your favorite Christmas gift?
I love Chuck! Just got into it a year or two ago and watched the first four seasons within a couple months before the start of the fifth season! 🙂 And Boy Meets World…I've already extracted a promise from you to watch some when I come in Feb, right?
My favorite Christmas gift was hanging out with Ollie. That always feels like a gift! But also, my parents gave me a Downton Abbey cookbook–fun–and a Lauren Bacall dvd set (love her) and a massive amount of LED tea lights. ('Cause, you know about me and fire…) So, those were some of my faves…
Fun! My nephew picked a gift out for me at his school's little Christmas store. It was a bright purple shirt with his school name on it. I thought it was so sweet of him to buy me a gift. I loved it!
John gave me an envelope with movie tickets in it and said "I got us a date night to the movies, I even pre-paid for the popcorn".
I just about fainted.He knows I want more time with him and I'm the only harping about 'date night'. But we have 3 boys at home who have schedules…and he LOATHES going to the movies. LOATHES!! GOING!! TO! MOVIES!!!
We moved here in September of 1995. He has taken me to TWO MOVIES since then.
TWO movies in SEVENTEEN YEARS!!!!!!!
It was shock and awe for the whole family when he gave me that envelope.
I loved Chuck! And I've heard the book by Ann Voskamp is awesome as well. Boy Meets World, well that just makes me giggle! My favorite Christmas gift was a manual on classifying and investigating violent crimes written by John Douglas, a famous FBI agent (with some help from a few other authors) Yes, yes that was my favorite gift. 🙂
LINDSAY!! My favorite gift was also Ann Voskamp's new DVD study!! Woot! I can't wait to dig into it with my three closest girlfriends. Time in the Word. Chocolate. Coffee. Real life. Real Jesus. That's what makes life tick, my Friend.
My favorite gifts were a new laptop!! AND, a trip to Destin, Florida to spend a week with you and all my other MBT friends!! My husband asked me what else I wanted and I told him not to buy a thing. I'm still amazed that I'm going to be in Florida in 7 weeks! 🙂
Fun, fun gifts … I love reading what other people received for Christmas. Kind of like how I love watching my family open their gifts … it's the most fun I have on Christmas morning.
My favorite gift … really, how do you pick?
My husband tucked a little silver spoon in my stocking that was flattened and then stamped with the words "Love you more."
It's simple and romantic … and even though he says I can use it when I drink my tea, I won't. I will keep it near by as a reminder that after all these years, my husband still loves me … and says so in lots of different ways.
I got an awesome telescope for Christmas. I can now see Jupiter's moons, and Orion's nebula. Love space!