If you’re anything like me, you lead a busy life.




Getting healthy.


Me time.

Oh, wait. That last one? Doesn’t happen too often in my life. (I know, I need to work on that.)

No, if you’re like me, you go, go, go until you pretty much collapse. Vacations often aren’t relaxing either, even if they’re an awesome change of pace, because you want to experience, experience, experience.

So when, exactly, do we get a chance to rest?

I’m a big proponent of resting regularly–taking those much-needed breaks when we actually need them. You know, before we give all we’ve got and fizzle out.

But alas, though I’m a proponent of it, I don’t listen to my own advice. I have the hardest time resting. I feel like I’m lazy if I spend all day reading a book. Or watching TV. Or spending a ton of time with family when there is much to be done.

Thank goodness God knows better than me.

I just spent the last week and a half off of work. I had a mini “stay-cation” with my husband. We took time out to spend time together. Time reading. Time watching TV (and yes, we may have watched nearly the entire last season of Chuck in one day…no judging!). Time with friends. Time just doing whatever we felt like.

At first, I felt guilty. After all, I have a novel to revise, a class to prepare for (teaching-wise), blog posts to write, meals to plan, a bathroom to clean…etc., etc., etc.

But then, I settled in. God gave me peace about resting. He reminded me that he told us to set aside a day of rest every week. He’s a proponent of resting when we need to. (Hmmm, guess I got the idea from Him.)

And time with people? It’s never, never wasted. So often I get focused on doing, achieving, checking stuff off my list.

And I forget to enjoy the relationships in my life. The great joy that comes from truly connecting, laughing, being real with others–beyond the everyday, surface-level “Hi-how-are-you-today?”

So props to God for making me heed my own advice…and for helping me to feel a peace in doing so.

Your Turn: Are you as bad as I am about resting regularly? Or have you established a good “rest routine”? If so, I’d love to hear it!

*Photo courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net