by Lindsay Harrel | Nov 18, 2013 | Other
Today is my seventh wedding anniversary. I am so incredibly blessed to be married to a wonderful man who cherishes me and treats me as a partner in life. I know not everyone has that. Believe me, I’m grateful. I sat down to think about the hard things we’ve been...
by Lindsay Harrel | Nov 11, 2013 | Other
Last week, I guest posted on the American Christian Fiction Writers blog. I forgot to link to it here on my blog, and it’s a post that really came from my heart: it’s about jealousy…and how to choose joy instead. So, I thought I’d direct you to it today. You can come...
by Lindsay Harrel | Nov 4, 2013 | Other
Sometimes in life, you’re blessed to meet people who instantly make you feel welcome. Wendy Paine Miller is one of those people in my life. When I was new to blogging and writing, and commented on her blog, not only did she welcome me, but made me feel like I belong....
by Lindsay Harrel | Oct 28, 2013 | Other
This is Pascal. His “serious face” cracks me up. As many of you know, I have two golden retrievers. Chloe is 2 years old and finally starting to settle down a bit. And then there’s Pascal. He’s 1 year old and the sweetest little (well, 70 pounds) ball of fur. He...
by Lindsay Harrel | Oct 21, 2013 | Other
So. The last few weeks have been less than awesome. I’ve just felt…stuck. Had some not-so-fun waiting with my writing. Felt like I didn’t fit in. Basically, I’ve been throwing myself a pity party. Praying for God to take away my pain, my wait, the unpleasantness in...