My Pinterest Board for *The Song Inside*

My Pinterest Board for *The Song Inside*

For a long time, I avoided the world of Pinterest. I know, I know. As an aspiring author, shouldn’t I want to be on yet another social media site? (Can you sense the sarcasm???) But seriously. I’d heard how addicting Pinterest was and I just didn’t have time to figure...
Proud, Proud, Proud: Melissa’s Book Is Out!!

Proud, Proud, Proud: Melissa’s Book Is Out!!

Me and Mel! Have you ever been sooooo proud of someone else you just think you’re going to burst? Well, that’s how I feel about my craft partner and friend, Melissa Tagg. Her debut novel, Made to Last, released through Bethany House Publishers (a major Christian...
Worship Wednesday: Mandisa’s “Overcomer”

Worship Wednesday: Mandisa’s “Overcomer”

This week is a hard one for a lot of us. Twelve years ago, we lost our sense of security. And people lost their lives, their loved ones. This week is hard for me because nine years ago yesterday (September 10), I lost my mom to cancer. Mom and me She fought that...