My Awesome San Diego Vacation

My Awesome San Diego Vacation

Like I said on Monday in my Pale Girl’s Guide to Surviving at the Beach, my husband and I went to San Diego for a week at the end of August. It was so much fun…we relaxed, slept, read, hit the beach (a lot!), and went to SeaWorld! Here are just some of the pictures...
A Pale Girl’s Guide for Surviving at the Beach

A Pale Girl’s Guide for Surviving at the Beach

Happy September, everyone! I have missed blogging and hanging out with you here. But I had a pretty stellar August, I must say. It has been crazy busy trying to get ready for a big writer’s conference I will be attending next week (next week? Ah!!!) My husband and I...
August Plans and a Break

August Plans and a Break

I can hardly believe it’s August already. Soon, it will be fall! Cooler weather (amen!), walks outside, the holidays…it’s all quickly approaching. Time seems to fly by faster and faster. That’s one reason I’ve decided to take a blogging break for the rest of August. I...
Fun Friday: Summer Reading Program

Fun Friday: Summer Reading Program

This is what I wish my library or office looked like! Last week, a friend told me about a summer reading program our library has. For adults. Instantly, I signed up. I’d already read several books this summer — including Becky Wade’s Undeniably Yours, Rachel Hauck’s...