Learning to Accept a Compliment

Learning to Accept a Compliment

I don’t want to write this blog post, because it means admitting something I don’t like about myself. I guess I’ll start there. Does this scenario seem familiar to anyone? Man: Aw, honey, you look beautiful tonight. Woman: (shrugs) I guess. Thanks. I’ve been this...
Fun Friday: Staycation

Fun Friday: Staycation

This will be me and Mike this week. Except not really. Because we don’t watch scary movies, and my husband doesn’t get scared. I just thought this was a funny picture! A few months ago, Mike and I were pretty weary. And August — when we are taking our weeklong...
Worship Wednesday: “Aftermath” by Hillsong United

Worship Wednesday: “Aftermath” by Hillsong United

I heard a song on the radio this week that really made me…well, think. The song is “Aftermath” by Hillsong United (listen below), and basically, it talks about the irony that Jesus died so we could live. According to Webster’s, the word aftermath means “consequence,...
Writing, Friends, and Ticks, Oh My!

Writing, Friends, and Ticks, Oh My!

I just got back yesterday from an amazing time with some awesome writing friends. We visited our friend Gabrielle Meyer’s home in Little Falls, Minnesota. We set aside some time each day for brainstorming our next stories (on Wednesday, Melissa Tagg will be sharing a...
The Blessing of Leaving an Idol Behind

The Blessing of Leaving an Idol Behind

Last Sunday, one of our Sunday School mentors talked about idols. And no, not statues of Buddha or Krishna or other gods. Other idols in our lives: money, a home, a car, TV, marriage, etc. Basically, anything that we’re depending on for happiness or security — instead...