Worship Wednesday: Waiting for Tomorrow

Worship Wednesday: Waiting for Tomorrow

“Waiting for Tomorrow” by Mandisa is — simply put — an anthem of hope and determination. Makes me wonder…how many times have I said “I’ll do that later”? Am I waiting for tomorrow to Tell my neighbor about Jesus? Spend time loving — really loving — my husband?...
One Word 2013: For the Simple Joy of a Thing

One Word 2013: For the Simple Joy of a Thing

Have you ever loved doing something? Like, really loved it? Had a deep passion for it? Then, you figure out what it will take to get really good at this thing. You work hard. And at first, the hard work is glorious. You’re invigorated, because finally you’re following...
Freaky Friday: Switcheroo

Freaky Friday: Switcheroo

One of my favorite movies in the last ten years is Freaky Friday with Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis. (Yes, I know this is a remake but I’ve never seen the original.) If you’ve never seen it, it’s about a mom and daughter who mysteriously switch bodies for an...
Worship Wednesday: Strangely Dim

Worship Wednesday: Strangely Dim

This song — “Strangely Dim” by Francesca Battistelli — takes my breath away. Because it’s the anthem I WANT to be mine. In fact, my critique partner Melissa Tagg and I have decided it’s our writing theme song, because it so clearly expresses what we want for our...