by Lindsay Harrel | Feb 13, 2013 | Other
My pastor began a series on Nehemiah this week. He talked about how Nehemiah heard that the walls of Jerusalem were broken down. Though Jerusalem had been the land of his fathers, he’d never been there. And yet, he wept and mourned for days over the condition of the...
by Lindsay Harrel | Feb 11, 2013 | Other
If you’ve hung around me for any length of time, you know that I’m a singer. In short, I love music. And I’m pretty much always singing. I hear a phrase and often a song pops into my head–usually from a musical. Am I obsessed? Quite possibly. 🙂 Music has a way of...
by Lindsay Harrel | Feb 8, 2013 | Other
Today I’m so excited to have my good writing pal, Jeanne Takenaka, on my blog! Jeanne and I met through My Book Therapy and the blogosphere, and in person for the first time at the American Christian Fiction Writers conference last year in Dallas. We’ll be rooming...
by Lindsay Harrel | Feb 6, 2013 | Other
On Sunday, my pastor gave a sermon that really struck me. He said that everyone nowadays is busy. It’s why we don’t have time for certain things. Specifically, spending time with God. And to be honest, I thought, “Yeah. I am busy. I know God understands, though. I...
by Lindsay Harrel | Feb 4, 2013 | Other
As a writing newbie, there was nothing I craved more than feedback. I know, putting your work out there is scary, right? But about this time last year, I’d finished my first book and revised it a few times. I hadn’t shown it to anyone yet. I didn’t have a critique...