Be Your Own Secret Santa: Guest Post by Jill Kemerer

Be Your Own Secret Santa: Guest Post by Jill Kemerer

I’m thrilled to welcome my good writing buddy, Jill Kemerer, to post here today. I got to meet Jill back in September at the ACFW conference and she is one of the sweetest–and funniest!–people ever. Her generosity knows no bounds and I can’t wait to someday hold one...
One Word 2013: Rejoice!

One Word 2013: Rejoice!

A lot of people make New Year’s resolutions. I’ve done it. They’re cool. But…they usually don’t last. Why? Well, usually they’re very high and lofty goals, and life gets busy, and it’s too hard to fit that goal in. So it goes buh-bye. But last year, I heard about a...
Bless the Lord Reason #11: He Gives Me Perseverance

Bless the Lord Reason #11: He Gives Me Perseverance

You know those Staples buttons that say “That was easy” when you click them? Yeah. Maybe on some things, it’d be true. But anyone who has ever drafted a novel knows…it AIN’T easy. That’s why I’m so grateful to be able to say that on Friday, I reached THE END on my...
Worship Wednesday: One Thing Remains

Worship Wednesday: One Thing Remains

 Ever had the radio play a song your heart just needed to hear? Over and over? Like, every time you got into the car? It’s as if God is speaking directly to you. It’s awesome. A little scary. So comforting, thinking that the God of the universe knows what I need and...