Bless the Lord Reason #10: He Changes My Plans

Bless the Lord Reason #10: He Changes My Plans

I had high hopes for the month of November. I was supposed to finish the first draft of my book. Didn’t happen. I was supposed to make ahead meals for the whole month of December to alleviate some of the holiday craziness. Didn’t happen. I was supposed to get more...
Fun Friday Christmas Tradition Style: Trees

Fun Friday Christmas Tradition Style: Trees

Our Christmas tree this year. From now until Christmas, I’m going to be talking about Christmas traditions. I think it’s awesome how different families do things…well, differently. I’ll share my traditions with you, and you share yours with the rest of us! Deal?...
Worship Wednesday: Winter Snow

Worship Wednesday: Winter Snow

Music is a huge part of my life. Not only am I a singer, but music is one of my main ways of worshipping the Lord. When I feel the music moving through me, getting inside of me, working its way into my heart and out through my raised hands, dancing feet, swaying...
Bless the Lord Reason #9: Another Year

Bless the Lord Reason #9: Another Year

Every year on our birthdays, we get teased for “getting old,” right? And though we laugh at the teasing, sometimes, we actually do hate the fact that we’re hitting certain age marks. In two years, I’ll be 30. I know, some of you are older and thinking, “Ha, young’un,...
My Star Wars Wedding Reception

My Star Wars Wedding Reception

Sunday is my 6th wedding anniversary. I’m so blessed to be married to such a wonderful man. Mike is everything I wanted and continue to want in a life partner. So, upon this momentous occasion, I think it’s finally time to tell the story of my Star Wars wedding...