by Lindsay Harrel | Oct 17, 2012 | Other
Last May, I attended a workshop for my local chapter of American Christian Fiction Writers. Author Susan Meissner was the speaker. I had read a few of her books and absolutely loved them, so I was excited to learn from her. Not only did I learn about plotting a book...
by Lindsay Harrel | Oct 15, 2012 | Other
Do you ever just feel…overwhelmed by all the things you’re supposed to be? Kind. Generous. Selfless. Disciplined. Loyal. And the list goes on and on…and on. But you know the cool thing about God? First, He understands that we aren’t perfect. And He forgives us when we...
by Lindsay Harrel | Oct 12, 2012 | Other
I am so incredibly excited to have one of my best writing buddies, Jessica R. Patch, guest post for me today! Not only is Jess hilarious (as you’ll soon see), but she was one of the first bloggers to make me feel truly welcome in this writing community. When Jess and...
by Lindsay Harrel | Oct 10, 2012 | Other
Ever feel like you’re going at breakneck speed? Like you can’t stop, won’t stop, but gotta stop or something’s gotta give? That’s how I felt a week ago. After attending the most amazing writers conference ever, I was on a high. I had goals. Plans. And I had to kick it...
by Lindsay Harrel | Oct 8, 2012 | Other
On this blog, I try to post about the ways I’ve seen God work in my life. Sometimes, the posts are difficult ones to write. I try to be honest. To give a real glimpse of what it’s like to live in this world and still have faith. Even when times are hard. Even when...