by Lindsay Harrel | Aug 31, 2015 | Faith
We all have moments in our life that mesmerize us with wonder and bring us in awe of God. For me, some stand out distinctly: Like the time I was missing my family while on a study abroad trip to Europe — and then, as I stood a hill overlooking the Irish Sea, I felt a...
by Lindsay Harrel | Dec 9, 2014 | Motherhood
Our first son is due this Saturday and to say I’m excited is an understatement. But… I’m also REALLY nervous. I know, I know. This is very normal. I keep asking myself questions like… Will the delivery go okay? Will he be healthy? Will I have any clue what I’m doing...
by Lindsay Harrel | Dec 2, 2014 | Faith
A lot of people pick New Year’s resolutions to follow each year. Those are all well and good, but they tend to not work for me. I much prefer to select one word to focus on. The last few years, I’ve done this and enjoyed looking back at the results. Two years ago, I...
by Lindsay Harrel | Nov 25, 2014 | Other
Tomorrow is my 30th birthday. It’s hard to believe I’ve lived three decades, but I have. Time flies, and yet it feels like I have yet to accomplish so much. But unlike many people who bemoan the fact that the big 3-0 has arrived, I tend to look at things a little...
by Lindsay Harrel | Nov 18, 2014 | Other
Today is my eighth anniversary of marriage. I’m blessed to be married to my best friend — a guy with whom I’m survived disappointments, graduate school, debt, disagreements, and much more. But we’ve had a lot of good times, too. We have many reasons to smile. One of...