Friends Are the Best Medicine

Friends Are the Best Medicine

I’m so incredibly blessed to have amazing friends. Truly. I don’t deserve such blessing! One of my best friends happens to be a writer I met online. Crazy, isn’t it? Melissa Tagg and I became critique and craft partners nearly two years ago, even though we’d never met...
There’s Beauty in the Wait

There’s Beauty in the Wait

Me and Mike at dinner before heading to the opera. My husband loves the opera. I’m more of a musical theater girl myself, but I can appreciate the skill it takes to compose and perform an opera well. Over the last several months, Mike has taken me to three separate...
Breaking Free of Winter

Breaking Free of Winter

  I don’t think it’s any secret that this has been a long winter. And yes, I know I live in Phoenix and haven’t been deluged with snow and horrible weather. But my winter has been more of a metaphorical one. For some reason, I have had a rough few months. All I’ve...
When There’s Never Enough Time in Your Day…

When There’s Never Enough Time in Your Day…

We’re all busy people. Some days are busier than others, but lately I’ve felt like I’m going a mile a minute — or more. See, I work three jobs: as a copywriter at my full-time job, as an online English instructor, and as a fiction author. Not to mention the jobs of...
Gratitude: What’s Going on in Lindsay Land

Gratitude: What’s Going on in Lindsay Land

Lately, I’ve been feeling a little down. I have my reasons, but suffice it to say that I’ve been discontent with some things in my life. But I’ve also been reading Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts. Amazing book! Seriously. Her prose is exquisite. Plus, it has been...