You guys! It’s finally here! Today, we are over here celebrating two birthdays—that of my youngest son, who turns 3, AND that of my book baby, The Joy of Falling, which releases today!

I’m so excited to share this story with you for a number of reasons. It’s a book that was really difficult for me to write, because it’s largely about grief, and I wrote it during a time of grief (though when I originally started the book, I didn’t know I’d be experiencing the loss of my grandma!).

And now, it’s releasing during a time of immense upheaval, with so many of us experiencing grief over the loss of normalcy, the loss of jobs, the loss of vacations, the loss of dreams, and even the loss of people we love. ?

All I can say is … God knew. He knew this book would be coming out now, in a time when perhaps the world needs a message about healing and having joy in all circumstances. I pray that all of those who read it will find HOPE. If nothing else, I hope this book provides a bit of an escape from reality. After all, it takes place in the gorgeous country of New Zealand, so we can at least travel via the written word even though we are “safe at home.”

With the uncertain times going on right now and to celebrate this book baby’s release, I’m giving away a Choose Joy Survival Pack. I know I’m having trouble remembering to have joy and gratitude in the midst of all of this, so thought some reminders of joy might be just what you need as well!

The Choose Joy Survival Pack for one lucky winner includes:

  • One copy of The Joy of Falling
  • Joy Comes in the Morning mug
  • Gratitude Journal
  • 3-Minute Choose Joy Devotional
  • $25 Amazon gift card (digital; not pictured)

This giveaway is U.S. only, 18+. Void where prohibited.