RT Booklovers Convention {and Giveaway!}

Last week, I attended the RT Booklovers Convention in Reno! It was such a blast to meet readers and hang out with other amazing authors, including Denise Hunter, Kathleen Fuller, Rachel Hauck, Patti Callahan Henry, Katherine Reay, and Robin Lee Hatcher. I even got to...

The Heart Between Us MEGA Launch Week Giveaway

It’s here! It’s here! The Heart Between Us is officially out in the world. I’ve “given birth” once more. Whew. And what a labor of love it’s been. I’ve loved hearing from early readers and reviewers. RT Book Reviews even gave it 4.5 stars and named it a TOP PICK,...

Where I Am Online & Giveaways Galore!

The week before a book launches is always exciting…and anxiety-inducing…and busy…and everything in between! I’m so thrilled by all the early reviews of The Heart Between Us rolling in. They’ve encouraged my heart so much. I wanted to update you all with opportunities...

12 Days of Christmas Giveaway — Day 10

On the tenth day of Christmas, my favorite authors gave to me … Welcome to Day 10 of the 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway, where 10 authors are giving away more than 78 prizes — including a Kindle Fire HD 8! All you have to do is enter the Rafflecopter form below. Choose...

COVER REVEAL: The Heart Between Us

Back in January, I signed a two-book contract with Thomas Nelson. Needless to say, I was thrilled (understatement of the year!). The first novel, The Heart Between Us, releases in March of 2018. A month or so ago, I got to see the cover that the team at Thomas Nelson...

I Just Read a Life-Changing Book

Have you ever read a life-changing book? I just did. Late last year, I saw several of my friends posting about the book Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist. Okay, not just posting. RAVING. I’m friends with a lot of writers and readers, so I see book...