To Stay in a Moment

To Stay in a Moment

This weekend, I rewatched The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. It’s a movie about a guy who daydreams. A lot. His daydreams bring him into a world where he’s a hero. An adventurer. A passionate artist. Someone who isn’t afraid of anything. At one point in the movie, the...
The One Thing I Want With the Time I Have Left

The One Thing I Want With the Time I Have Left

Tomorrow is my 30th birthday. It’s hard to believe I’ve lived three decades, but I have. Time flies, and yet it feels like I have yet to accomplish so much. But unlike many people who bemoan the fact that the big 3-0 has arrived, I tend to look at things a little...
4 Tips to Make Your Marriage Stronger

4 Tips to Make Your Marriage Stronger

Today is my eighth anniversary of marriage. I’m blessed to be married to my best friend — a guy with whom I’m survived disappointments, graduate school, debt, disagreements, and much more. But we’ve had a lot of good times, too. We have many reasons to smile. One of...
Face Me Blog Tour: The Real Face of Pregnancy

Face Me Blog Tour: The Real Face of Pregnancy

When my friend Jaime Wright first brought up the idea of a blog tour featuring posts on beauty — requiring blog authors to post a picture of themselves without makeup — I said, thanks but no thanks. I’m 35 weeks pregnant and let’s just say…it’s not been so kind in the...
How to Become Dissatisfied Overnight

How to Become Dissatisfied Overnight

This time last month, the beloved car I’d had since my senior year in high school bit the dust. The 1996 Ford Contour was in decent shape on the outside, but its insides decided to give up the fight. It was going to cost way more than it was worth to fix it. Dilemma...
A Beautiful Baby Shower…and an Unexpected Gift

A Beautiful Baby Shower…and an Unexpected Gift

A little over a week ago, my friends and family threw me the best possible baby shower a girl could ever imagine. Here are just a few pics from that beautiful night (I didn’t have my camera, so I’m waiting on pics of me with people!). The couch where I sat and opened...