A $25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway — Just Because!

A $25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway — Just Because!

This house is pretty. And so are the leaves. 🙂 So, as most of you know, I just returned from a writer’s conference. I also spent a week in Iowa with my awesome friend Melissa Tagg so I could attend her book launch party. In Iowa, the weather was beautiful. The...
My Pinterest Board for *The Song Inside*

My Pinterest Board for *The Song Inside*

For a long time, I avoided the world of Pinterest. I know, I know. As an aspiring author, shouldn’t I want to be on yet another social media site? (Can you sense the sarcasm???) But seriously. I’d heard how addicting Pinterest was and I just didn’t...
Proud, Proud, Proud: Melissa’s Book Is Out!!

Proud, Proud, Proud: Melissa’s Book Is Out!!

Me and Mel! Have you ever been sooooo proud of someone else you just think you’re going to burst? Well, that’s how I feel about my craft partner and friend, Melissa Tagg. Her debut novel, Made to Last, released through Bethany House Publishers (a major...