A lot of people make New Year’s resolutions. I’ve done it. They’re cool.

But…they usually don’t last.


Well, usually they’re very high and lofty goals, and life gets busy, and it’s too hard to fit that goal in. So it goes buh-bye.

But last year, I heard about a concept (thank you, Beth Vogt) whereby you pick ONE word to focus on during the year. I thought I’d try it this year, and started to think…and pray…about what word I’d choose.

My instant first thought was TRUST. I have a hard time trusting and waiting on God. Not all the time, but let’s just say that in general, me and patience don’t get along very well. Ha. Plus, this year at the big writers conference I attended, God gave me my life verse: Philippians 1:6 (thus the header on my blog!).

But I kind of feel like trust is a life theme, not just one for 2013.

Then one word popped into my head: rejoice. It didn’t make all that much sense at first, since I don’t know if I’ll have anything to rejoice about in 2013 (I hope so, but you never know!).

I’d mulled it over for a few days but hadn’t committed quite yet.

Not until I got a birthday/Christmas present from my awesome critique partner, Melissa Tagg. She sent me a journal (see pic) with this written on it: “Rejoice in the Lord” (Philippians 4:4).

Um, yeah.

Okay, God, I hear you!!

So in 2013, I’ve got plans. Plans to rejoice.

No matter what happens–what I want, or what I don’t want.

What I expect or what I don’t expect.

It doesn’t matter. God’s calling me to REJOICE in whatever it is, because He is good, all the time. No matter my circumstances.

I get chills just thinking about how much He loves me, and am rejoicing already about what’s to come in 2013!

Your Turn: Do you have a word you’re planning to focus on for 2013? I’d love to hear it!